Mon - Fri : 08.30 AM - 05.00 PM


Craftsy Hacks

Declutter your home and organize your space with organizing tips and tricks, explore creativity with DIY tutorials and decorate your space with inspiring ideas. DIY crafts, organizing tips, and decor ideas for anyone and everyone. Transform your home into a creative, fulfilling space.


ベランダ にアルミフレームとアクリル板でサンルームをDIYしたら別世界ができた! | フレームDIY

ベランダ にピッタリなサンルームが欲しい!でも業者に断られてどうしよう・・・。そこでアルミフレームとアクリル板を使って自分でDIYしました。窓や扉を作って床にタイルを敷き詰めたらオープンカフェのような空間が完成!晴れた日はくつろぐスペースとして、雨天時は洗濯物を干す



diyの利点は、余分な在庫を持たずに必要なだけ買えるところですね。カインズプロ様ありがとうございます。 届きませんでした。 あと30センチでええんじゃあ! diyは余分な在庫がないから材料が足りないときは毎度買





Beginner Woodworking And DIY Projects And Turorials- Anika''s DIY

Important! Anika''s DIY Life is not liable in any way for injury or loss (whether physical, emotional, monetary, or any other kind of loss) resulting from any inspiration, ideas, directions, or information gained from this site.


5.4m×3.6mの小屋作りを紹介、自作する方に | PANELHOUSE

北海道留萌市に間口5.4×奥行3.6mの19m3程の小屋を建てました。 旧芦別工場の残ったPANELHOUSE部品を使いました。 移設する可能性があるので、屋根材は再利用も可能なポリカーボネート波板を使ってみました。 小屋計画と設計 6坪弱


41 Brilliant DIY Desk Organizer Ideas

You can easily save more money while creating better office storage when you create these practical and stylish DIY desk organizers. Enjoy getting creative and making these useful crafts to help you declutter and get your


How to Install a Window (DIY)

Complete DIY projects like a pro! Sign up for our newsletter! Sign Up. Project step-by-step (25) Step 1. Window parts and how to replace a window frame. Family Handyman. Figure A will help you to understand the parts of a window. Measure very carefully before you place an order, no matter what type you install. There''s nothing worse than


Best DIY Home Security Systems of 2024

A DIY home security system certainly has its advantages, like lower pricing and simple self-installation, but professional security has its perks. DIY systems are typically easy to install and set up.


36 Affordable DIY Ideas to Decorate for Fall on a Budget in 2024

In this blog post, I''ve curated many affordable DIY decor ideas for 2024 that will help you transform your space into a warm and inviting fall haven, all while staying within your budget. From crafting wreaths and centerpieces to repurposing everyday items into stunning fall decor, I''ve got you covered. Let''s start decorating!


如何DIY自己的太阳能电池板? – 希尔登

如何自己DIY 太阳能板 ?. 下面以制作36W太阳能板为例,如果你想制作更大的太阳能板,方法是一样的。提前准备好材料:. (1) 9片太阳能电池晶圆. (2) 铜带. (3) 阻焊剂. (4) 玻璃.


Bosch Heimwerken & Garten | Bosch DIY

Mit der Bosch DIY App kannst du deine Werkzeuge ganz einfach verwalten. Außerdem findest du exklusive Aktionen, mit denen du dir attraktive Prämien oder Rabatte sichern kannst. Die App ist für Einsteiger und Profis geeignet und macht Heimwerken und Gärtnern so einfach und vielseitig wie nie zuvor.



专门做了一个不锈钢支架支撑两块小板,diy夹具固定在扶手上 安装无线视频监控摄像头以及网络摄像头,实现电视、手持2.4G无线视频接收设备以及电脑、手机远程实时监控太阳能发电情况。


35 Best DIY Notebook Covers You Can Make Today

via thelovelydrawer Anything in marble is the new hottest trend everyone wants to get their hands on and I don''t disagree with them. Marble can make just about everything look expensive and in case you''re wondering, this classy DIY calls for marble self-adhesive vinyl and copper vinyl for the binding, so do pick that up at a local craft store or you can find it


45 DIY Fall Decorations for a Cozy Home 2024

Your home deserves enduring ornamentation throughout the season, and that''s where these DIY fall decorations shine. Whether you''re holding a gathering with friends and family that could use some pretty fall touches or you want to look around your spaces throughout the season and relish in the warm and fuzzies, we''ve got you covered with these



本帖最高后由 barryblueice 于 2022-12-3 02:09 编辑 最高近快乐小遥@快乐小遥 给我寄了几个半成品让我帮他代工一下,结果我收到后发现基本就没一个焊好的。 为了防止更多小白踩坑,故在此写出详细版diy自己的u盘全方位过程,以帮助小白避坑。


8 Best DIY Home Security Systems of 2024

Ushering in a whole new set of standards for smart home security, Amazon''s Ring Alarm Pro is the best DIY home security kit you can buy. It combines an Eero smart home Wi-Fi router and Ring Alarm into a single base station, giving you the ability to keep your system online and powered up even in a power outage—a must for around-the-clock coverage.



DIY光伏板折叠包. 计划去香港 徒步 麦里浩径,对电源续航产生忧虑,又不想带转换头,于是就在光伏板上打主意。对于唯装备论用户,目光投向了单晶硅(转换效率高意味着质量


How to Make a DIY Wood Slat Wall

Our DIY slat wall paneling is made of slim, vertical strips of wood that run from floor to ceiling. They''re attached to the wall with nails. The slats range from ½-inch wide to 2-inches wide, depending on the look you''re going for. You can buy 1-inch-by-2-inch slats and work with those, or if you feel confident in your woodworking skills


便携式太阳能充电板 – 日托光伏

便捷式太阳能充电板 便携 折叠便携,磁吸提手,握感更舒适,提手内装有磁铁,太阳能板收起时自动吸附十分便于车内收纳与存放。


拓展 -- 折叠光伏板diy

